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Vision, mission
& values
Our vision is a healthy Mediterranean basin, and our mission is to promote regeneration through a holistic approach, helping local communities become aware and active custodians. We work with respect, passion, and collaboration to leave a positive legacy, uniting people to share knowledge and ideas for a better future. Solidarity and care guide our efforts, as we believe that caring for each other and our ecosystems creates a harmonious, environmentally conscious society.

A healthy Mediterranean basin.
Regeneration within the Mediterranean basin through a holistic and integrative approach, contributing to the re-evolution of local communities into aware and active custodians.

Save the Med strongly believes in care as a tool capable of generating the greatest benefit for people and for the ecosystems of which we are a part of. Like a healthy ecosystem, when we care for each other we are greater than the sum of our parts.

The love for what we do and why we do it is the foundation from which all Save the Med work grows. We continuously seek to optimise our work in order to leave a positive legacy for future generations.

Save the Med believes in joining hands and forces, sharing knowledge and ideas, to work, evolve, and transform ourselves and the world together. Without collaboration there is no future!

Save the Med strives to be open, honest, and transparent, and to act with integrity and from the heart.

Save the Med is committed to continuous improvement to ensure that objectives are achieved with an adequate expenditure of time and effort.

Save the Med works to unite a new environmentally conscious, and harmonious society.

Humility and respect for the Earth, for life, for one another and for ourselves.
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